How To Clean A Mattress With Baking Soda and Vinegar

How To Clean A Mattress With Baking Soda and Vinegar

Have you ever tried cleaning your mattress with baking soda and vinegar? Or are you wondering when was the last time you cleaned your mattress? If you are not sure, it’s probably advisable to give it a good clean. In total you spend about 4 months a year in it, so why not? There are lots … Read more

Can You Wash a Mattress Protector?

A mattress protector is either a removable or non-removable casing that the manufacturer provides, or you can buy one yourself. But can you wash a mattress protector? The mattress protector covers the mattress to protect it from spills, urine and dust therefore you must be able to wash it.A removable mattress protector can either be … Read more