Do Snore Guards Actually Work?

Just how effective is a snore guard? Snore guards are one of the several anti-snoring options available in the market for people who snore. And they have been for many years. However, recent research has questioned the efficacy of using a snoring mouthpiece to reduce snoring.

Snoring occurs in nearly half the adult population and equally affects men, women, and children. According to the American Sleep Association (ASA), snoring is the sound of soft tissue turbulence or vibration in the back of the throat during sleep. 

It is caused by turbulent air flowing through a partially obstructed or narrowed airway. During sleep, when muscles are most relaxed, air turbulence increases while the airway diameter decreases at the back of the throat. When tissues in the airway and neck relax, they partially block and constrict the airway. As a result, the tissues vibrate when air moves through the constricted airspace causing the sound referred to as snoring.

Some of the risk factors for snoring include enlarged tonsils or a deviated septum. Structural abnormalities such as nasal polyps may also block airflow and cause snoring. Other risk factors for snoring are sleep apnea, allergies, colds, smoking cigarettes, certain medications, alcohol, and sleep position.

It is essential to treat snoring for proper sleep. Some people are hesitant to seek treatment for snoring because they think it is uncomfortable, invasive, or aren’t aware of the options available. One of the possible snoring treatments is using a snore guard.

snore guard

What is a Snore Guard?

A snore guard, often referred to as an anti-snoring mouth guard, snoring mouthpiece, or sleep apnea mouth guard is an FDA-approved mouth device that can significantly reduce or prevent snoring by adjusting the position of the lower jaw during sleep. It opens the back of the throat and unblocks any constricted airways. Once the throat is open, the airways will be cleared, and any air passing through it will not cause vibrations.

Do Snore Guards Actually Work?

Yes, snore guards work to reduce or prevent snoring. However, the FDA highly recommends getting a snore guard fitted by a dentist or doctor. The snoring mouthpiece needs to be fitted accurately so that it does not affect the placement of your teeth or cause any adverse side effects on your mouth.

A snore guard is specifically designed to achieve a few objectives:

  • Prevent soft tissues from blocking airways.
  • Naturally opening the airway by advancing or pushing the jaw forward.
  • Stabilize your jaw if you have receding jaws.
  • Provide your tongue a depressor during sleep. This ensures that the relaxed tongue doesn’t fall back into your throat and prevents proper breathing or airflow. 

One study conducted by Crosshouse Hospital in Scotland revealed that operations for snoring aren’t always necessary, and a snore guard could help ease snoring. While breathing masks and surgery can also reduce snoring, you should only resort to them when using a snore guard doesn’t solve your snoring problem.

The efficacy of snoring guards may vary depending on the extent and cause of the obstruction. They also do not treat all sleeping disorders. However, they are a noninvasive and simple way to reduce snoring. One of the main advantages of using a sleep apnea mouth guard is that it is drug-free. When fitted accurately, it has little to no negative side effects.

Benefits of Using a Snore Guard

It Works….In Most Cases

A sleeping mouthpiece is effective when treating natural and common causes of snoring. However, a snore guard might be less effective in treating snoring if it is caused by the anatomy of your airway, a physical obstruction, a deviated septum, or a physical obstruction.

snoring mouthpiece

It’s Relatively Safe

When used correctly, a snore guard is a safe anti-snoring solution. It has been used to treat obstructive sleep apnea and snoring for more than 30 years and isn’t as risky as a medical procedure. There is a general consensus among medical experts that snore guards are a safe treatment for snoring.

It’s Inexpensive

Using a sleep apnea mouth guard to treat snoring is less expensive than other alternatives such as surgery. Many snore guards cost less than $70, and better quality and more reliable snore guards will wet you back anywhere from $70 to $200.

Are you planning to get a snore guard? Check out some of the best anti-snoring mouth guard pieces in our latest review right here!

Disadvantages of Using a Snore Guard

May Cause Side Effects

There is always a possibility of a side effect when using a medical device. Common side effects of a snoring mouthpiece include discomfort or mild pain in the teeth and jaw, hypersalivation, and a dry mouth. Although rare, snore guards may also cause a loss or change in the occlusion of teeth. This mainly occurs when the snoring mouthpiece is used incorrectly or for purposes other than intended or when the user has unhealthy gums.

Missing Possible Diagnosis

Although snoring is common and harmless, it could be a symptom of a serious underlying medical issue. You should never self-diagnose and assume that a snoring mouthpiece will treat your snoring. Seeking the opinion of a medical expert is crucial as it prevents missing possible diagnosis if a more serious underlying medical condition causes the snoring.

Must Be Worn Every Night

One of the main shortcomings of using a sleep apnea mouth guard is that you must wear it every night for it to be effective. While wearing one is not very uncomfortable or complicated, you must become accustomed to wearing it nightly. You must form the habit of installing it before you sleep and removing and cleaning it when you wake up. Before deciding on a snore guard, consider whether you are willing to make the long-term commitment.

sleep apnea mouth guard

Verdict: Do Snore Guards Actually Work?

Yes! Snore guards actually work. So, if you are suffering from common causes of snoring, you should certainly consider using one. It treats your snoring and helps you and your partner get better sleep without major costs or risks. A consultation with a doctor should inform your decision regarding how to treat your snoring problem. If they recommend a snore guard, ensure that a qualified medical expert fits it for you.

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